Tuesday, 10 December 2013

introduction to lifestyle magazines

The different types of content in magazines such as glamour are mostly adverts and some articles about lifestyles and appearance. Every other page is an advert for perfume of clothes from fashion designers contorting that the magazine is a fashion magazine as much as a lifestyle mag. The articles inside are aimed to relate to women's lifestyles and give tips on how to lose weight or choose what to wear. Some of the articles are about gossip to appeal to women who read the mag. The magazines have articles on health and fashion because men and women care more about their appearance and health.

The layout of each page has a large image of a model or product then with small text at the bottom. The advert pages contain one large image of a model wearing or holding the brands product. The text features questions aimed at the reader questioning the readers lifestyle and style.  The articles images are made the main focus of the reader, the images are there to make the reader want to look like the model and buy the product. The images sometimes are sexual and invite sexual gaze but are never too explicit. The pictures are all mostly of women and show them as desirable. The magazines are aimed at women who want to wear fashionable clothes and wear the correct makeup.

Someone would hope to look as good as the models in the advert by buying the products advertised. Women would want to know what to wear to look good and would buy this product hoping to find this out. People who are want to diet would buy the magazine to get tips on how to lose weight.

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